Stage 5 Programs
Focus – Changing Biomes Outcomes: *GE5-2 *GE5-3 *GE5-5 *GE5-7 Students will investigate first hand how humans have altered the natural biome in the Penrith Lakes Parkland Area. Activities include: Introduction and tour of Penrith Lakes and Field sketch, water and soil testing, Invertebrate survey, bird observation and water management practices. Areas covered: Environmental Change and Management | Stage 5 | Geography Focus – “What are the causes and consequences of change in the Penrith Lakes environment and how can this change be managed”? Outcomes: *GE5-2 *GE5-3 *GE5-5 *GE5-7 This program allows students to investigate first hand how humans have caused environmental change in the Penrith Lakes Area. Activities include: Introduction to Penrith Lakes, water testing, invertebrate survey, bird observations and water management practices. There is an examination of sustainable management practices at Penrith Lakes.
Examination of human alterations to the physical characteristics of biomes and assessment of environmental impacts of human alternatives to biomes.